Hello SMSO Family & Friends!
SMSO is excited to announce our new residence as of Mon. Dec 16: an office suite located just inside Grand Upton Hall at Lake Michigan College Mendel Center!
Monday, Dec 23 – Sunday Jan 5: Our office will be closed for winter holiday break.
Monday, Jan 6: Re-open for normal office hours 10am-5pm.
new location details
New Office Location
LMC Mendel Center – Grand Upton Hall
1100 Yore Ave, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Parking Lot #3, Door/Entry #6
Our office is immediately to your left as soon as you enter
the first set of exterior doors into the building.
Our new mailing address:
2755 E. Napier Ave
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Phone Number:
Unchanged – (269) 982-4030
PLEASE NOTE: For the first few weeks, calls will be forwarded to our new office, meaning you will reach us through our current number, but your caller ID may temporarily show a different number when we call you. Sometime in January, our phone number will synced to our new physical address so our number will once again be the same for in- AND out-bound calls.

Driving Directions
The Lake Michigan College Mendel Center is located on the College’s Main Campus, 1100 Yore Ave, Benton Harbor, MI 49022. Only 40 minutes from downtown South Bend or Michigan City and 50 minutes from Kalamazoo, the Mendel Center is convenient to get to from I-94 and the US 31 Bypass.
From Chicago/Kalamazoo/Detroit
Located one mile east of I-94 on Napier Avenue (exit 30).
From Niles/South Bend
Located one mile west of US-31 Bypass exit 24.
Free parking accessible to the office is located on the north side of the Mendel Center (Parking Lot 3). Handicap parking is available.